UK Now Eases Visa Rules for Foreign Construction Workers, A Number of Other Occupations on Shortage List Also

The latest about the UK visa rules is that the country has eased visa rules for foreign construction workers, according to the latest online news. The reports say that the UK has decided to add extra (additional) construction roles to its ‘shortage occupation list’ to attract more foreign labor (workers). The reports also suggest that the authorities have revealed that the visa fees will be lesser and more relaxed employment criteria will be in place for the occupations like roofers, masons, bricklayers, carpenters, roof tilers, jointers, slaters, and plasterers under the new visa rules changes.

UK Visa Rules – New Updates

The new updates are what have been mentioned in the above lines. Further, the news also depicts that the United Kingdom is presently suffering from labor shortages in various sectors, and the employers there are quite eager to recruit foreign workers to fill the shortage.

Labor Shortage in the UK

Since the labor shortage is being reported in the UK, the country has decided to change its rules and now allows the building (construction) industry to easily get workers from abroad (easy visa rules), according to reports.

The shortage occupation list of the UK consists of jobs that are quite massively in demand of workers. As UK employers are unable to find relevant employees for the shortage of occupations from within the present market in the United Kingdom, getting more workers with the required skills from abroad is now an easy way to fill the shortage.

Requirements or Eligibility to Qualify for a Visa

The government of the United Kingdom is well aware of the fact that the vacancies included in the list of shortage occupations could be paid up to eighty percent of the usual rate of the job, nonetheless, they need to qualify for the visa.

To be able to enter the United Kingdom for work purposes under the newly changed rules, the applicants are required to get a job offer and meet the English proficiency requirements.

Shortage Occupations

  • Roofers
  • Masons
  • Bricklayers
  • Carpenters
  • Roof Tilers
  • Jointers
  • Slaters
  • Plasterers
  • Laboratory Technicians
  • Care Workers
  • Civil Engineers
  • Healthcare Workers

The online reports also reveal that the United Kingdom is witnessing a significant shortage in the area of construction, therefore, construction workers are high in demand.

Due to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, now the citizens of both countries are required to undergo visa requirements to work in each other’s countries. This led to a shortage in the construction sector since the major workforce was from the EU and other countries.

Well, if you are among those workers who are professionals in its shortage labor list, you are now going to get big benefits. This means that these worker are now going to be benefited. The ease of visa rules is set to take place on the workers mostly who are from construction industry. If you think you may fit into these categories, you should then try your luck. In various sectors, the labor shortage also exists.

Apart from the United Kingdom, entire Europe is also facing labor shortage that is why the visa rules are being changed and eased in the Europe.

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