Time for Excitement – Foreigners to Get Summer Jobs in Europe

The latest from Europe is that summer jobs for foreigners are available. The reports reveal that third-country nationals may now find convenient summer jobs in Europe whether they are there in Europe on a working visa or student visa. Let’s now find out more details about the jobs for foreigners in Europe.

Details about Jobs for Foreigners in Europe

According to online reports and the European Commission website that provides information on the working rights and legal obligations of students who study abroad. These rights and obligations largely depend on whether the student’s home country is a part of the EU.

A work permit is always essential for non-EU nationals who would like to work in the EU. On the other hand, self-employed individuals do not require (need) a work permit to work in the region.

Rules That Apply to Turkish Citizens

Various rules may apply based on the origin of the candidate since the nationals of Türkiye are entitled to the same working conditions as the nationals of the EU do (provided that they follow the below rules):

  • Post one year’s legal employment, the citizens of Turkey are allowed to renew their work permit at the same employer.
  • Turkish citizens have the option to switch employers or make a selection of a different employer in the same field of activity after 3 years.
  • In addition to that, after completing 4 years, the citizens of Turkey are given full access to employment opportunities in the EU country.

Rules for Third Countries

It is vital to note that the citizens of Turkey have to follow specific rules when working in EU countries. Therefore, the nationals of other third countries can enjoy the same working conditions as the citizens of the host country if they have an agreement with the EU. These countries include Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Albania, Russia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Ukraine, Andorra, San Marino, and 79 other countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific group of states.

Other Rules

On the contrary, nationals of countries without an agreement with the EU can work in an EU country based on the national laws of the host country. Those people who have a family relationship with an EU citizen are exempt from the requirements of a work permit and can enjoy equal treatment as EU citizens do.

It is important to keep in mind that working in an EU country for more than 6 months or 183 days makes people tax residents automatically. This means that international students working there (in the EU) will need to pay taxes and social security contributions to their study destination.

Moreover, the host country may also tax income earned in another country, such as summer jobs attained in the candidate’s country of origin. These incomes have to be reported to respective authorities, and in some cases, taxes need to be paid on them in the country where the candidate studies. There are some EU countries that have agreements to prevent double taxation, which may determine the beneficiary country of a student’s taxes.

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