Another European Country Added to Schengen Zone

The latest news from Europe has come up that another European country has been added to the list of borderless travel in Europe. There is no denying mentioning the fact that no one likes to stand in queues and get asked so many questions at borders. So, with a borderless travel facility, you are free to move inside the Schengen area of Europe. If you like to visit Europe and are passionate about traveling to Schengen countries, you will now be happy after the news saying another country has been enlisted in the Schengen zone.

Detailed Description of Borderless Travel in Europe

The country that has now joined the bandwagon of Schengen is none other than Croatia which is popular among the people because of its coastal towns. Croatia is now joining EU Schengen Zone at the beginning of 2023.

There is no denying that European Union is the center of attention and attraction of travelers from all parts of the world, who would love to come and explore the member countries of the EU. The countries in the EU are packed with diverse cultures, delicious food, history, and eye-candy destinations to visit. The Schengen area makes it more accessible and reachable to travelers around the world.

Once you land in Europe’s Schengen Zone, you go borderless whereas, in most regions of the world, there is a requirement for passport and visa checks at each border. This is the beauty and attraction of the Schengen countries. You can move from one country to the other with ease.  Croatia was just voted in, and now it is going to be added to the Schengen area in early January 2023.

Croatia – A New Addition to Schengen Area

There were other applicants to be added to the Schengen countries namely Bulgaria and Romania, but they were denied despite fitting the general requirements. As far as Croatia is concerned, it joined the European Union long after both countries and is now in.

Beginning on 1st January 2023, Croatia joins Europe’s Schengen Zone, and the land border stations with Slovenia and Hungary will become a thing of the past. The country will move to Euro currency from 1st January 2023 onward.

Another Good News for Borderless Travel in Europe

Spain is all geared up to pass its new digital nomad law, and those who are able to obtain digital nomad visas will then be eligible for entry to the Schengen area for the duration that their visa holds. The borderless travel in Europe is what entices the travelers a lot and that is the reason Europe keeps receiving horde of visitors/travelers all the time.

Since European Union wants to add more and more countries to its Schengen zone, this is the reason that EU is found working on the matters to add more European countries in the list. Even the Eastern Europe too is being considered for the additions. Romania and Bulgaria are on their way to be added to the list of visa-free travel zone of Schengen. Let’s wait to see what happens to them.

There is no doubt that it is enticing to visit the entire Schengen Zone on one visa. When more countries are added, travelers will find more joys of visiting Europe.

Entire Europe is attractive with eye-pleasing destinations and travel spots and these attractions allure the visitors. In return, economy gets strong and foreign exchange comes to the region. Once more countries are added, the European Union plus the Schengen area will become more strengthen. As Croatia is now added, the country is set to embark on more successful journey. Croatia is packed with heartwarming and beautiful travel destinations.

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