Pakistani Businessmen to Get UAE Visas in Just One Day

Big news for the Pakistanis – Businessmen will get UAE visas in just one day now, as a new visa center of the United Arab Emirates has opened in Karachi. The news about ‘Businessmen to Get UAE Visas’ have now started making waves in the media, and the Acting President of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) Suleman Chawla has also welcomed the move. This initiative is now going to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

Details about Businessmen to Get UAE Visas

Chawla also mentioned that this step is all set to encourage not only Pakistani businessmen, investors, and entrepreneurs but also exporters, students, and tourists. On behalf of FPCCI, Mr. Chawla appreciated the visionary, proactive, and facilitative role of the Consul General of UAE in Karachi Bakheet Ateeq AlRemeithi that he took for the business community of Pakistan.

Vice President of FPCCI Shabbir Mansha says that the United Arab Emirates happens to be a vital destination for Pakistani skilled and non-skilled workforce.

He also points out that the UAE is a friendly country for Pakistan to maintain employment opportunities, foreign exchange reserves, and a strategic environment.

Visas Issuance to Pakistani Businessmen in One Day

On the part of AlRemeithi, he told the delegation of FPCCI that the business community of Pakistan will begin getting UAE visas within one day time (one working day time) with minimum required documentation.

The UAE Official also told that UAE was looking for enhancing B2B relations, trade promotion activities, chamber-to-chamber linkages, joint ventures, travel & tourism, and industrial collaborations between the two countries.

The business community of Karachi was also invited by the Consul General AlRemeithi to approach him directly in case of any complaints, issues, and delays in visa matters. The two countries – The UAE and Pakistan already exchange friendly relations and this new initiative will now strengthen them more.

Benefits From The Initiative

There is no doubt that the new initiative is going to benefit the business community of Pakistan, and many others such as investors, entrepreneurs and tourists, etc. The United Arab Emirates, where gets the tourists from all parts of the world, also receive a number of tourists from Pakistan.

Once any new updates come in this regard or from the UAE, our platform will publish it for our viewers and for the information of the people.

This is surely a praiseworthy step that has been taken for the business community of Pakistan who keeps on thinking over making business ties or launching their businesses in the UAE. Since Pakistan shares friendly relations with the United Arab Emirates, the move will certainly be appreciated and applauded in Pakistan.

The business community will also be focusing on more moves like this. Let’s wait and see if there happen anything more in this regard. The Pakistani nationals too are quite inclined towards the emirates of the United Arab Emirates and try their luck in employment sector of the UAE. The country (UAE) is a welcoming country and holds mammoth attention and attraction of the people who come there for visit, tourism, jobs and doing businesses.

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